About three months ago, what felt like simultaneously, my daughter started sleeping better and going to daycare 4 days a week. As the fog lifted, it felt like a missing part of my brain returned. Suddenly I had time and space to breathe. I started exercising again. I started being able to see beyond the moment in front of me and became excited about what the future held.
I hadn’t slept properly for over 2 years. Pregnancy had turned my sleep into a mess of acid reflux and millions of wake-ups to pee. I had hoped that not being pregnant would improve things, which it did, until a newborn got in the way! So many people had warned me about how hard the lack of sleep would be, but nothing could have prepared me. Also, nothing prepared me for how long it would go on and how lonely it would be as the only one who was able to settle my daughter when she woke at night. The photo below was taken right in the thick of it!
Everything I tried to do became a struggle and I found myself doing the bare minimum. But being so deep in it that I didn’t really realise that I was only barely functioning. And then, as I said, my daughter started sleeping better around the time she turned 2 and things drastically changed.
But this post isn’t about baby and toddler sleep. Enough has been written about that and we’re not here for that, are we?! This post is about what has been happening since I started getting a bit more sleep.
When the fog lifted I suddenly felt capable again.
Capable of working on new and bigger projects.
Capable of moving house. (We had outgrown our one bedroom apartment a long while ago but the thought of moving never even dawned on me because I was so exhausted.)
Capable of exercising and socialising. And when I was offered two subjects to teach and UTS this semester, I thought, why not?
I probably should have realised that I could say yes to things, but maybe not all at once! But, there is something so exciting and liberating about feeling parts of my pre-motherhood life return and watching how my new and old life integrate together - sometimes smoothly and sometimes not so smoothly.
And although I am now feeling spread a little thin, and having to say no to some things for the moment while I ease into this new season, I also feel excited and inspired and more connected to my practice than ever before.
I am now teaching first year construction (sewing) at a Sydney university and have loved being forced to go back to basics. Being questioned about how to do things that my hands committed to muscle memory many moons (in fact multiple decades) ago is humbling. It is allowing me to practice my teaching skills and my ability to simplify information. Teaching has reminded me how important clear, step-by-step instructions are—just like the ones I strive to create in my patterns. How many steps make sense to sew an invisible zip? Will my students get overwhelmed if I baste it and then sew it with an invisible zip foot in one demo or should it be split? These questions feel ingrained in what I do for In the Folds. Although I don’t teach face-to-face with In the Folds, my mission is to design instruction booklets and content that feel like I am there with you in the room, so it does feel as though it’s using the same part of my brain.
The other subject I am teaching is Advanced Technologies in fashion, which is a 3rd year university subject. For this subject, I’m teaching CLO3D (a pattern design and visualisation software) and enjoying working alongside the students to make their ideas a reality. What’s really been lighting me up in this subject is the lecture series. I’m sure I must have attended countless interesting lectures when I was doing my degree, but probably by the end started taking it for granted. Now going to these lectures leaves me feeling blown away by all the information. I often think about how thrilled my fellow sewists would be to be in the room with me, so I thought I’d compile a list of some of the interesting things I’ve heard about recently.
university LECTUREs i’ve loved
We had a great lecture about zero waste fashion by Timo Rissanen. He co-wrote Zero Waste Fashion Design. Although I think about the environmental cost of fashion often (and it’s the reason I work in the home sewing space instead of the fashion industry), I enjoyed going back to basics as well as being introduced to some new designers in this space. It’s quite disturbing that the global fashion industry produces more than 100 to 150 billion items of clothing per year. Australians buy an average of 56 new clothing items a year which I found both shocking and disturbing.
Some of the work he referenced in his lecture:
Make / use (open source zero waste patterns you can access)
Holly McQuillan: Weaving Multimorphic Textile-Forms - video here
Timo Rissanen - Designing Endurance (check out those pattern pieces! I am in awe of the placket shape. I asked him about it and he said sewing this shirt is not for the faint of heart!)
Pablo Alejandro Maas - traditional suits meet zero-waste pattern cutting. Scroll to the bottom to seYeohlee Teng's "Zero Waste" Philosophy: Thoughts on her roots, the future of fashion and Japan - TOKIONe an amazing layplan!
zww.fi - a website where you can download free zero waste patterns
Timo ended the lecture on a high note, asking the question, “How can fashion be joyful without overconsumption?” I’d like to think that by sewing our own clothes, we are doing a pretty good job of that. Bringing joy to the making process as well as the wearing process.
Martina Ponzoni told us about her d_archive project where she and a small team are digitising patterns from inside fashion archives so that these artefacts can be cared for, but also so that people from all over the world can gain access to them. I was blown away that these images are actually created digitally, rather than photographs of the original. What’s cool about this project is they make the patterns accessible for people to use!
Wajiha Pervez talked through her PHD research area, which is on circular economy innovation in athleisure clothing. She uses AI to help generate the most exquisite knitwear.
What I enjoy about teaching is how it pushes me beyond my usual routine and into new ways of thinking—engaging with ideas, techniques, and perspectives I might not have encountered otherwise. It challenges me to break down my own knowledge, question assumptions, and find clearer ways to explain concepts. In many ways, it reminds me why I love learning, and why I love sharing that learning with you—whether through the patterns I create, the instruction booklets I write, or the behind-the-scenes insights I share here.
The more I teach, the more I realise that learning is never a one-way street. Just as I guide my students, they also push me to see sewing in new ways, keeping my passion for this craft fresh and ever-evolving.
Happy sewing,